I have found once again, that waiting to purchase something often pays off in the end. See, I ordered some new goodies from Mary Jane's Farm a couple of weeks ago and one of the items that I ordered was a copy of her 9th issue, the Artists in Aprons Magazine. In that issue she gave instructions for making an apron out of hankies. Well, my DH has never worn hankies that I am aware of, but I have a ton of bandanas lying around the house due to our frequent motorcycle rides and I thought they may just work. And they would have, but a trip to JoAnn Fabric for some supplies for DD had me looking at new bandanas and since they were cheap, I decided to buy a couple of new ones for my apron project. I think in total, with ribbon, bandanas, and new sewing needles I spent under $10 for my apron. Now in my mind, that is a deal, as most of the aprons online that I was looking at were at least $30 or $40!
Two things I will change about this apron when I make my next one (yes, now I need one in every color and seasonal design). First, the bandanas that I purchased were large, I didn't note the size, but they are not hankie size and so my apron is too big. So secondly, if I use this size in the future, I will not include the side flaps that the pattern calls for.
She sure isn't sell worthy, but this new apron that I made with my own two hands makes me smile every time I look at it. And while DD is sure it is a fire hazard, I will be careful and wear my apron with great pride. I can do it!