"All the world's a stage,
and all the men and women merely players:
they have their exits and their entrances;
and one man in his time plays many parts..."
-William Shakespeare
As women, we play oh so many parts in this life from daugther, sister, mother, wife, and friend to job coach, psychiatrist, head chef and maid. This blog is mostly a place for me to reflect on these parts and share the journey with my daughter.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Finally Friday Fun - Stephen King's N.
For more information on this series, you can check out the Press Release here. The series began on July 28 and will continue to realease at the one per weekday rate until August 29. Be warned, if you like Stephen King, this will be quite addicting.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Bikes and Bonfires

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Fun Ride - Bear's Camp
As the summer progresses, my dear family and I are taking lots and lots of road trips on our motorcycles. One night last week we decided to go check out the Chicago Bears training camp down in Bourbonnais, IL. Here are some pictures that we got while we were there. . .Go Bears!!
And here is the actual practice that we saw. . .they look so small up close. . .

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
I LOVE Eating Out!
My DD and DS are out of town this week on their first mission trip with the church youth group. I had hoped to post some pictures here for my most loyal readers (hi Mom and Dad), but I can't quite get the pictures off the youth group site like I had hoped. Anyway, kids are several states away and DH and I find ourselves with some VERY blessed alone time this week, which has lead to many nice motorcyle rides. The past couple of nights our rides have lead to dinner. Monday at Joe's Crab Shack and last night to Rock Bottom Brewery, both establishments are fantastic places to enjoy with a loved one by the way. Beer and a bucket of crab legs. . .can the week possibly get any better than that?
Monday, July 14, 2008
Book Review - The Shack by William P. Young
So while I may not agree with every idea William P. Young puts forth in his book, I think that it is a very good book for adults to read. I think that people who will read this book, and then go back to scripture and look for answers to questions that it will raise will really enjoy it and get a lot out of it. I am even going to encourage my DD to read this book, as I think she has a deep enough theological basis to read it from. But be warned, some of the ideas in this book are not traditional. I believe that the main point of the book is very scripturally sound and is therefore good for instruction and has redemptive value.
One more word of caution; have plenty of tissue handy.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Snakes Are Lucky - Tales From VBS

It was during our Question and Answer time with our local firefighter that I was reminded of how hilarious kids can be. The Question and Answer went something like this:
Church Boy: What do you do when you get to a house and you break down the door and go in and see all the people with their shirts nailed to the ceiling?
Firefighter: Ahhhh, what do you mean? I have never seen that.
Church Boy: Well, you know, in a fire the best air is up high, so the family would be there.
Firefighter: NO, the best air is down near the floor, in a fire, crawl on the floor and do not stand up.
Church Boy: (long pause) Snakes are lucky.
Friends, you can’t pay for that kind of humor! I don't know if this story translates well via blog, but let me tell you that the retelling of this story has caused hours of laughter for DD, DS and I. If you haven’t volunteered with kids lately, it may just do you some good.
Monday, June 30, 2008
I Am Going to Quit. . .

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Documenting a First
I went to a place called Message Envy, and they still have the coupon available for first time visitors. They have many locations in many states, so have a look to see if there is one by you. A word of warning, they will try to sell you on their monthly membership when you are done, but that wasn't a bit deal and a polite not today was enough. Regular price is $78 for an hour, but with the first time coupon this is a treat you should try if you can.
From the soft music, to the dim lighting, everything you need to relax is provided, and everything is done to your comfort level. Beverages are offered, soft meditation type music plays over the speakers in the building, the therapist talks softly if at all and the bed and blankets are warm and inviting. I was worried that the 50 minutes would go by slowly, but it was over before I knew it and I felt relaxed and comfortable. Unfortunately, it helped me sleep so deeply that I overslept this morning for the first time in years, but it was worth it!
While a monthly membership may be much too extravagant, I can certainly see myself asking my family for this nice perk once a year on birthdays or something. . .or saving up just a bit myself for the chance to go once a year!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Cafe Thursday - No More Smoking Section
I do not stand in any kind of judgement of others, but for me, I must quit and move on with my life in a much more healthy pursuit. I want to be healthy. I want to be around for my kids as much as it is in my power to do so, so I am quitting.
It has only been 6 days and about 18 hours since my last cigarette, so I really do have a long way to go, but I will do it. I ran into withdrawl symptoms yesterday that I did not anticipate because I have been weening myself for months, but that will not deter me either (although. . .the past 48 hours has been the worst by far).
If you are a regular here, or a family member, keep me in your thoughts and prayers for the next few days if you can. It is challenging. . .but I will do it. . in God's power I will not smoke again.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
She Loved NYC!
I may have created a monster this past weekend by taking my DD to New York City; she loved it.
And now she is hooked, wants to go back, and wants to live there. What have I done? I am kidding, sort of. We had a great couple of days in New York City and have a great drive there as well. I am so glad we did this! Even though we drove, which was long, it was a great opportunity to talk and share and see a few really pretty states. If you only get a chance to do weekend road trips with your kids this summer. . .DO IT!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Cafe Thursday - Pasta Salads
My favorite pasta salad, and the one that I make the most often is one I saw a while back on the Food Network's Everyday Italian show. The dressing for this is more like pesto than your average Italian Dressing based salad, and it is just delicious. I can't recommend this recipe enough. I tend to add some things like green olives and other veggies that I have on hand, and you can certainly make this one your own too. My advice though, do not skip the smoked turkey or the fresh cheese in this dish. I know both are expensive, which is why I only make it on special occasions, but this combination is really out of this world. Here is the recipe for Antipasto Salad.
The second pasta salad recipe that I regularly make is like this Springtime Pasta Salad, except I make a couple of modifications. I always add at least half a packet of Italian Dressing seasoning and a squeeze of bottled Italian Dressing for flavor. I also always add tomatoes and some parmesan cheese in addtion to using whole wheat noodles.
Try them both if you can and let me know what you think.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Road Trip - NYC or Bust
We will be going to see the show Curtains while we are in NYC. My DD also wants to see Central Park, the Statue of Liberty, do some 5th Ave shopping, visit Times Square, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art . I am hoping to get to the New York Public Library, as that is the one site I have not seen yet and I want to see the lions. I would also like to go back to South Street Seaport, as this was a favorite spot for us to visit and take family and friends when we lived in NJ. It is a big list and we will really only be there 2 days. . .so we will be doing much walking and quickly taking some photo ops before moving on to our next destination. However, it will be fun and I can't wait to share this experience with DD.
NYC. . .he we come. . .
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
It's Coming - Momma Mia
I am worried about some of the casting in the movie, as the traveling show we saw was just so perfect that it will be hard to see others in those roles, but it should still be a lot of fun to watch on the big screen. Here is a preview. . .
Friday, May 30, 2008
Book Review - Thunderhead

This is my first Preston/Child adventure, and I have to say that I will indeed be back for more fun. Although, I supose that the word "fun" may not be quite correct, as the setting for this mystery is a bit darker than the lighter mysteries I had been reading. This book is set mostly in the "redrock canyon country of southwestern Utah" and deals with the darker side of the local Native American life, like death and witchcraft. It is the setting, which is so wonderfullly done though that first sets the standard for this fascinating page turner.
I also found the depth of character development so well done in for such a short book with so many interesting characters. There are several secondary characters whose personalities are just so strong that the reader feels drawn into their struggles and can easily understand their struggles and triumphs. There are several heros and a few villians and the reader is lead to identify with each of them in interesting ways. I really enjoyed the journey through to understanding each character and what made them tick.
I believe it is the mix of mystery and adventure, teamed with spirituality and culture that make this book such an interesting read. I was really drawn in by the mystery at first, but then I got wind of the adventure that was forming, only to be further sucked in by the culture and sprirituality of the Anasazi people. I just can't overstate here how entertaining this book was. In fact, I am now adding the rest of the books written by these authors to my "Must Read" list.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Weekend Update
Here is a picture of DD's new flower bed. We finally decided on a blue hydrangea and some other plants that she thought would look nice. We mostly planted perennials, but I added some Gerber Daisies because they are just too pretty. DD also got a beautiful orange rose plant that we will keep in a container on the front porch to spruce that up a bit.

Thursday, May 22, 2008
Cafe Thursday - 5 Somewhat Healthy Snacks
1. Veggies with Ranch or Veggie Dip - I know, the dip is a bit questionable, but come on, as long as we all are getting more veggies in us. . .let them have the white goo.
2. Chips and Salsa - Meijers has an organic blue corn chip with sesame seeds that are soooooo good, and relatively good for you. Put some salsa in a bowl with some diced alvacado and you have a healthy snack with lots of antioxidents.
3. Fruit - All the kids I know have at least one favorite fruit, so go ahead and fill up a bowl of their favorites and set it right in the middle of your table.
4. Smoothies - Now that summer is here, it is so easy to find fresh, ripe fruit that a sweet smoothie is super easy. I use 100% juice, yogurt (regular or soy), a banana and whatever fruit I have handy. If you add some whey protein to this it can even be a healthy meal replacement.
5. Nuts & Raisins - When I was growing up my Mom would mix peanuts and candy corn together for my dad and I love that snack. Now that I am older, I try to stay away from candy and don't let my kids have it much either. But I have found that adding raisins to any healthy nut is a great snack that fills me up when I am out and about.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Happy Hump Day Shopping - I LOVE Zappos

I also LOVE Zappos. I finally got the courage to order these boots Monday night after talking to a girlfriend. Now, I have ordered from Zappos before so I know that you often will get next day turn-around, but since it was already 4:30 Chicago time I figured it would be Wednesday before I saw the new boots. I was wrong. My new boots arrived yesterday, before noon! So not only were my boots seriously reduced in price, but they were shippped next day for free. Seriously, you can't beat that!
Graduation and Wedding Season Gift Giving
My friend says that she heard on the radio that she should give between $50-100. Who says I have to give the grocery money for this week to a distant relative? Or worse, an aquaintance? Are we all nuts? Where does this come from? Is this really what is expected? And furthermore, I have a couple of friends who recently suggested to me that when I attend a wedding it is expected that I will give at least as much money as I think my meals cost the bride and groom. Again. . .I tend to start to get hot under the collar at this point and ready to go to war.
So this morning, I started looking around the internet to see what was really expected, and do you know what I found? I found MANY etiquette sites stating that not only is there no expected amount for weddings or graduations, but that it is completely inappropriate for the graduate or bride and groom to expect gifts. Certainly they should not expect guests to pay for or help defer party costs. Wow. . .was my friend ever wrong. Here is a quote from Emily Post:
There is no rule, so it is entirely up to you. Let your affection for the bride and groom and your budget be your guide.
So it seems we have invented these expectations of one another. Each site I visit says that gifts should not be expected (although we should take something). What do you think?
Monday, May 12, 2008
Y-ME Walk In the Rain and a Quick Ironman Review

We did it! We did the Y-Me Walk for Breast Cancer yesterday and here is a picture (yes, I am the shorter of the two, and no, I am not standing in a sink-hole). It was very rainy on Chicago's lakefront, but spirits were high and DD and I and our friends had a nice walk. If you get a chance to participate in one of these events I highly recommend it. The event was well done from beginning to end and everyone involved was a pleasure to work with.
I also got to celebrate Mother's Day with my favorite activity, seeing a movie in the theater. After much debate we decided on Ironman and we were not disappointed. I have to agree with the reviews that I read that said this was a smart movie. I thought everything about this movie was well done, and I had no idea that Jeff Bridges could play such an awesome villian! If you get a chance to see this one on the giant screen with surround sound, do it.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Book Review - The Hamptons Diet
I am not new to the whole low-carb diet craze. About 5 years ago I lost 45 pounds and have kept most of it off by doing the Atkins Diet Plan. The thing about the Atkins plan though that has always bothered me was the huge emphasis on fatty meat and dairy. I also found that many of the meal replacements were my only option for times when I was away from home and these foods are loaded with additives and preservatives and all things man made.
I am finding that as I get older, I desire a more natural diet. I will no longer tolerate fake sugar of any kind, high fructose corn syrup or hydrogenated oils. I think I liked this book so much because it agreed with me on the status of these foods and explained why they are so bad for us. I like trying to find new ways to add vegetables into my diet and this book has some nice recipes to help do that.
There is no magic pill, diet or surgery. The key to weight loss over the long haul really does seem to be a balanced approach; cut down on caloric intake and increase the excercise. This book is no miracle cure, but if you are on the road to a healthier you, it is worth a peek if only for the recipes.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Happy Hump Day Shopping - Flowers and Plants

I can't help it, this beautiful sun-shiney weather here in Chicago-land today has me dreaming of summer gardening, and all that I want to do and plant this year. So I thought I would share those dreams and also just keep a list for myself of what I want to do.
First and most importantly, I need to fill in my new flower bed with, well, flowers. I thought I would be easy on myself this first time out so I ordered a pre-planned garden from Spring Hill Nursery. It includes Bellflowers, Daisys, Climbing Clematis and Dragon's Blood Sedum and I absolutely can't wait for these plants to arrive so I can plant them and watch them grow.
I was crusing some gardening blogs and came across some really helpful ones. Over at In the Garden Online, I saw a link to the Michigan Bulb Co. My intention was just to compare prices, but I find myself today trying to talk myself out of buying some Blue Moon Hydrangea plants as well as some Everbearing Strawberries. Both are so nice though, and I am so determined to develop a green thumb. . .and for $20 can I really go wrong anyway?!
That will probably be all for my in-ground planting this year, but stay tuned, I am planning a container veggie garden that I will write about in the coming days. . .
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
My New Flower Bed

It was a wonderful weekend. My DD and DH created our first ever flower bed. We have decided, finally, to landscape our yard. We have only lived in our house now for 8 years, but better late than never. It also helps that DD has taken some landscaping lessons from school due to a project she was working on for student government.
Have a look at the picture of my new flower bed, complete with a light for night enjoyment! For a 16-year old, she did darn good (and thanks for the help dad)! I can't wait to fill this new space with flowers for the summer.
We have a ways to go, but this is such a nice start, perhaps I can become the gardener I have always wanted to be.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Cafe Thursday - Hobo Dinners

My family and I call these packets, but my mom first started me on these, calling them Hobo Dinners. When we used to camp in the summers when my brothers and I were young one of the things we looked forward to the most were making these Hobo Dinners. These simple dinners are basically meat and any veggies you want, wrapped in tinfoil, and baked till the meat is cooked through and the veggies are soft.
Now that I have a family of my own, I realize how very difficult it is to feed several people who all have their own likes and dislikes. That is where the true goodness of these Hobo Dinners lies. Each one of us can create our own ideal dinner of meat and veggies. The hardest part of this recipe is the chopping of the veggies, but I recommend you include everyone and really have fun with this.
Take one large piece of tinfoil. Coat it with plenty of Olive Oil. Add the meat of your choice, raw (chicken, fish and groundbeef are the best we have tried). Pile on all the veggies you like (potatoes, carrots, celery, onions, peppers, and zucchini are all delicious). Add the seasonings of your choice, depends mostly on your meat choice (we like steak seasoning best and salt and pepper) Fold in tinfoil so that no heat escapes your pile (DS makes a hershey kiss sort of shape, I usually make more of a big square packet). Bake on a baking sheet at 450 for about 35 minutes, but test for doneness after 30 minutes.
Let cool a bit. CAREFULLY open your packets, the steam will be HOT. Add steak sauce or katsup and enjoy!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Our Earth Day - Solidarity and Tech Free Week
First, we have decided to join with our sisters and brothers at Willow Creek Church and take the Five-Day Solidarity Challenge. This means that for 5 days this week we are eating either oatmeal or rice and beans for our meals. The purpose of this challenge is "to stand alongside our brothers and sisters living in poverty across the world, [and eat] what they eat,” said Willow Creek’s Compassion and Justice Director Heather Larson.
Believe it or not, my kids are actually the ones that are pushing us to do this challenge. It is a great thing, and something I am anxious to do to. I have become increasingly aware over the past few weeks that I spend entirely too much time thinking and planning what I am going to eat. If I took just half that and made it more productive I would gain hours of time. Perhaps I could even be more organized.
Would you like to do your part in getting more rice into the hands of needy people? Go on over to freerice.com and play a vocabulary game while you donate bowls of rice to those who need it. Find yourself with some extra cash? Why not be a sponsor? It doesnt' take much to help feed those who are less fortunate.
In addition to our menu challenge for the week, my husband further challeneged our family to give up technology for the week as well. We are trying to live like the other half of the world does, and already it is hard. Of course, since I can't give up technology at work (a network admin can't easily do that), I am takign this lunch break to blog our progress. Tonight I am hoping to spend some time chatting with the kids, then suggesting a game of tennis or cards and then a long soak in the tub! I may just get used to this yet.
Book Review - The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield
The first author that came to mind as I was reading The Thirteenth Tale was P.D. James. Most likely it was the setting that brought one of my favorites to mind, but I believe it was the tone also that had me thinking of books like The Murder Room and Cover Her Face. The main difference here is that with a James book I have to make sure I have several hours to spend, as I can't put her books down. I did not have this problem with The Thirteenth Tale. It was not until the very last couple of chapters that I found myself wanting to keep reading, and that was really to be done and able to move on to my next book.
Another book that came to mind was The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon, which I really enjoyed. I read a review that said the reviewer hadn't liked a book so well since Zafon's, and I realized that indeed, I liked the latter much better. While the general tone of both books is very similar, I did not guess the ending in The Shadow of the Wind, and I found interesting diversions throughout. That is not to say that The Thirteenth Tale doesn't have its own interesting twists and turns, but most of them can be seen coming.
Finally, another reviewer I read compared this book to The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova. I would agree that the tones are similar, but Kostova has a genuine purpose for the dark undertones in her book; she is writing about vampires. Both heroines have a strange family life with only a father present, and yet Kostova's book seems to have so much more light and hope. Not to mention the fact that there is true horror in The Historian while in Setterfield's book there is only the suggestion of horror which does not pan out in the end.
In short, I found the book The Thirteenth Tale to be an adaquate diversion. I was not enthralled in the storytelling, the mystery was a bit predictable, and the overall depressed feeling of this book made it drag on for me just a bit. Having said that, if this author does write another book it is very likely that I will read it, as I have a feeling that she will improve greatly in time.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
All Natural Diet Favorites
1. For me has to be veggie chips. My favorite brand so far is EatSmart Veggie Crisps, but I also really enjoy the Good Health Veggie Chips. I have many more brands to try, but these are great, eaten in moderation of course.
2. My brother turned us on to another natural snack that is fantastic, but you have to try different brands to find the one you like best. Blue corn nacho chips are super good and can be made even better with some homemade guacamole. The brand we liked the best was the Meijer Organic Blue Corn Chips with Sesame Seeds.
3. Our local health food store has a smoothie bar and bakery in it, and they make some delicious little date ball things that are very good and great for the sweet tooth. You could make these yourself by taking some ground nuts, dates and raisins, smushed bananna and rolling them into a ball and then dropping them in coconut.
4. Fresh fruit. I can't say it enough, I love fruit. After being on the Atkins Diet on and off for over 7 years, it is such a joy to pick up an apple, orange, bananna or grapefruit and dig in.
5. Fresh vegetable stir fry. To me, it matters not what seasonings you use, stir frying fresh veggies with some oil and spices is pretty close to heaven. Add these veggies to a plate of brown rice and one could really feast quite happily.
Have any great fresh or all natural food favorites? I would love to hear them, we are trying to make this a healthy lifestyle change and need all the ideas and tips we can get.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Finally Friday Fun - Vacation Planning
I have started saving for a vacation. I am planning to go sometime next spring I think and will be taking DH, DD, DS and a DB. Now that I have put my savings plan in place, we need to decide on a location and go about getting passports.
I originally thought that Paris, France was at the top of our list, but it changes for me from moment to moment. I read one article yesterday on the top 10 cities to visit and I think that after considering Paris, I have decided on some where in Italy in Tuscany. I think we are going to rent a house for a week, one with a pool close to a little village.
This of course will all cost a small fortune, but it is a once in a lifetime trip for my husband and kids that I want to take before they fly off and are on their own. I also wonder if this is a bit slow and too low key for DS and think he may want more of an adventure, in which case I will have to consider another option I heard about this morning.
There is a place in sunny Puerto Vallarta, Mexico where you can swim with dolphins, go whale watching, or even do a canopy tour. I think DH and DS would actually like this option much better, but I am gonna go for Italy first.
Of course, I will probably be out-voted and we will end up in Florida, again, but I will get to Europe. and Mexico . . .eventually.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
What Is Your Favorite Candy?
2. 100 Grand Bar - I used to love rice krispy treats, and carmel is one of my favorites too, so this was always a real treat to have. They used to give these out when we would go trick-or-treating.
4. Boston Baked Beans - We used to get these before going to the movies or to the drive in. They also sold them in my high school cafateria. . .back then, I could eat whatever I wanted and not gain weight.
Honorable Mention: Vanilla Bullseyes - My DD now shares my passion for these little goodies. They make them fresh at a candy store just down the block from work, a fact I try to forget.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Cafe Thursday - Home Cooked French Fries
Now, my brother thinks that this little recipe is cheating, but I think that since the ingredients are allowed, it is fair game! So here is the recipe for the only meal I have really enjoyed since being on this fast: Home Cooked French Fries.
2 - 4 medium sized potatoes, quartered and then cut into strips
4-6 cups of Canola Oil
Dash of Emeril's Essence
Put oil in a sauce pan or deep fryer and heat. Add potatoes to pan until they are golden brown (took about 15 minutes for mine). Remove potatoes from the pan and place them on a plate covered with paper towel and sprinkle with Essence.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Music Monday - I LOVE Online Radio
For that reason, it seems more economical for me to find ways to listen to the radio than to try and buy enough CDs to keep my interest. I have found two sites recently that I absolutely adore and so I thought I would point them out here in case anyone else needs something to listen to.
First, if you find yourself easily annoyed at the pre-fab radio stations that play one song you like for every 5 you can't stand, give Pandora a shot. This online radio station allows you to pick an artist or even a single song and build a playlist around it of songs or artists that you enjoy.
Next, if you are feeling that you need a bit of a spiritual boost, Moody Radio is doing some neat things. They have 3 new audio channels; Inspiration, Majesty and Conference. I have been listening to the Inspiration Channel an find that it puts a gentile happy spin on my day when it is quietly playing in the background while I work. The songs are great and incredibly uplifting. I have not tried the other two audio channels yet, but am anxious to do so when I have some more free time.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Book Review - Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
I actually had this book setting around on a shelf for just as bit, as it came when I was in the middle of about 3 other books. Since I was already reading other books, I recommended this to DS who needed something to read in his 4 hour detention, and he read it all in a day. Not only did he read it in a day, but he immediately asked for the next book in the series.
I would bet that if you enjoyed the Matrix, Star Wars, or either Battlestar Galactica series, you will enjoy this very easy to read book. Ender is one of the youngest heros I have read, but he is interesting and very engaging. I found myself sucked in and invested in the characters and the games they played.
Although it can be read on a very surface level, this is also a very smart book. I found myself really amazed at the depth of deception of the adults in this book and started thinking about all the ways the tactics described in the book may be used on people. And for a sci-fi book, I was amazed at the depth of feeling I experienced while reading. My emotions went from deep sadness over Ender having to leave his family to intense outrage over the war situation.
This is one award winning book (1986 Hugo Award and the 1985 Nebula Award) that I highly recommend to readers young and old.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Fasting for Healthy Mind and Body
So it is that I find myself this morning beginning a 20 day fast. We are doing the Daniel Fast, which is basically only fruit, veggies, nuts and water. No animal products, yeast, or caffine, of course it is the latter that has me the most sad this morning. I LIVE on coffee, I drink it all day long in fact. I guess anything I am that dependant on must go, before it becomes some kind of idol, but boy this is harder than I thought it would be and it isn't 9 am yet!
I am interested to see if I feel any healthier or if some of my bad sugar and wheat addictions are cured after this fast. I did the Atkins Diet 5 years ago and stuck with it for a couple of years and lost 50 pounds, and I know from that experience that once you get a week in, the cravings for sugar and carbohydrates do leave. I am also taking this time to try and become more spiritual. I want to focus on my faith and my family just a bit more. I will be documenting my spiritual journey in my daily devotional blog.
Here's to a quick and successful 20 days!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Thankful for the Moments
I found myself thinking back to those "moments" in my life and wanting to document and remember and celebrate them. I found myself wishing I had a picture for each of those moments in my life that I need to take time to reflect on and remember. I found myself smiling and for one small moment, shutting out all the negative voices in my head and focusing on the positive. I found myself thinking of and thanking God for the blessings in my life. . .my faith, my family, my friends, my house, my job. I found myself very thankful for another day and another opportunity to mean something to someone. I found myself this morning in a country song.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Another Birthday Post

After a full weekend of partying, I believe we are finally done celebrating DDs birthday. We gave her a present last night, jewelry seemed most appropriate, (since a car was out of the question) and took her to dinner at the restaurant of her choice. She said that only Bennigan's would be decorated and festive enough so off we went. DH was happy to have a green beer to celebrate the day and we all had their new appitizer, the Monte Cristo Egg Rolls and each ordered a sandwhich. All in all, I think that even though DD won't be able to drive on her own for several months, she had a very nice birthday and is feeling pretty special.
It may just take DH and I a year to recover and be ready for the next one.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy Sweet 16 DD!

It is hard to believe that 16 years ago today at this time (7:50 am CST) I was welcoming into this world one of two really amazing kids. It is also pretty amazing how fast time really does fly! 16 years of great times and great memories.
We partied all weekend. We started on Friday night with a sweet 16 slumber party. There was a theatrical theme, complete with movies and popcorn. The girls had a good time, and Mom and Dad even got some sleep.
Yesterday we took the kids and in-laws to Medieval Times. We had more fun than any of us expected. If you get the chance to visit this display of a time long gone, I highly recommend a visit. Of course it is a bit cheesy, but even my too cool DS had to admit to a good time. The horses are great, the actors are ok, but the fight scenes while obviously fake are better than I expected and were well done. Also, DH had warned us that the food would be small and not very good, and while it wasn't great, it was not horrible and no one went home hungry.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Cafe Thursday - Cooking a Whole Chicken
I bought a very nice, all natural, non-antibiotic whole chicken at the grocery store last week and we enjoyed that chicken for dinner last night. I had planned to roast it, as I found a couple of really nice recipes on blogs that I read regularly, one at Cheap Healthy Good and one at All Recipes.com. However, I knew that my Wednesday evening was going to be pretty hectic, so I decided to give the old crock pot a try. Am I ever glad I did.
I took my 5 lb whole chicken, threw on some salt, pepper, seasoning salt, onion salt, garlic powder and a carton of chicken stock all in the crock pot, covered it, and set it on low for about 8 hours. The smell in the kitchen when I got home from work was almost better than the chicken itself. I simply washed and cut up a few potatoes and set them to boil while I nuked a can of corn and we had a darn quick meal that was not too shabby.
I am on a mission today to find some more cheap and easy crock pot gems that will make my life easier. If you have any great links or blogs or posts, send them my way.
Book Review - One For the Money
I knew as soon as I read the back of the jacket and found out that the heroine, Stephanie Plum, was from Newark, NJ that I was going to like this book. I was not wrong. I knew lots of "Jersey girls" when I lived there, and Stephanie Plum fits the description of all of them. She is so similar to many of my friends that I was picturing them as the lead through most of the book. From the high hair to the biker shorts, Stephanie is as real as they come.
In summary, the characters were believable, even likeable, the plot moved along and the setting was perfect. I really liked this little mystery and am already looking forward to reading Two for the Dough. . .
Finally Friday fun - With the Flu?
I quickly took some medicine and went to bed. One dose didn't do it, but after taking another dose this morning and a nap I am much better. I feel like I have a head cold now, but the debilitating body aches are gone. What medicine did I use? The one that always seems to cure me within 24 hours, Vicks NiQuel Cold and Flu. I have been using it for years and it has never let me down.
A friend of mine wanted me to try some of her Colloidal Silver, but I was a bit skeptical. Even more so after reading about Paul Karason, you know, the blue guy, on some news sites.
How about you? How do you fight colds and the flu?
Restaurant Review - The Stray Dog
We were travelling from the Chicago area to the middle of Michigan, and stumbled upon a wonderful little place that will now be a regular stop for us on these trips. Located right off of Exit 1 in New Buffalo, Michigan along US94, The Stray Dog is the perfect place to stop for food and drink if you are taking this popular route. I suspect that on summer weekend nights this is quite the place to hang out, as it is located right on Lake Michigan. On a cold winter night however, it was the perfect place to catch a drink and a fish taco.
On a recent trip to Florida my DS fell in love with a little place called The Old Salty Dog, and it could just be a coincidence, but I find it interesting that indeed this new place in Michigan also has a deep fried hot dog. It is a good thing I have taken up running again or there is just no way I could eat a fried hotdog. . .but well. . .sometimes a little splurge is ok.
Book Review - Bag of bones by Stephen King
I should start by explaining that I have always been a chicken. Since I was young I have had an almost unnatural fear of the dark, and the only horror movie I have been able to watch with my eyes open has been Jaws. So while I have wanted to read a King book for sometime, I have only found the courage recently to actually dive in and give it a shot. And, while the book did not keep me up at night, I did find that I was listening for strange noises in the silence a bit more than before I read the book.
Overall, I really liked this book and found enough mystery, suspense and "things that go bump in the night" to keep me wondering and turning pages until the very end. I also like that in both books I have read by King he treats the reader like an old college friend. I feel as if I know the author and I trust him enough to hang in even though the number of pages seems like more of an investment than a cheap thrill.
Also, while I really like how King includes lots of references to other works of literature and fiction, I can understand why someone who does not read much may not enjoy a King novel as much as the avid reader. These references, while not critical too understanding the story or main plot, add so much flavor to the writing that it would be a real shame to not understand them.
I am anxious now to add other Stephen King novels to my reading list, so if you have any recommendations about where to start please let me know.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Career Advice From Steve Jobs
Steve tells three great stories to illustrate his point, that you must do something you love and pursue it with passion. Anything less is simply a waste.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Review - Mimi's Cafe
We were quickly glad we had stopped. Not only did the place smell amazing, but we could tell by a quick look around that people were quickly being served and were very happy with their food choices. You know what I mean, how many times have you gone into one of THOSE franchises only to see many other customers fuming or barely enjoying their food? Mimi's was not like that.
DD was hooked the moment we were seated and given a basket of assorted breads, rolls and muffins. Among them was a low-fat blueberry muffin that tasted like cake, which we split and ate as slowly as we could manage. DD then ordered a beef sandwich that she swears is the best she has ever tasted while I enjoyed a cup of corn chowder and a fried chicken salad. The food was just great, and the atmosphere was charming as well. If they have a Mimi's by you, try it. If they don't have a Mimi's by you, I am so sorry, perhaps you could open one?
Monday, February 25, 2008
Music Monday - Over The Rhine
Shortly after that I purchased another OTR album, Drunkard's Prayer which never grew on me in quite the same way, but was still a great album to read or work by and has a few haunts of its own.
If you enjoy soulful piano ballads, give this group a try. There newest album seems a bit more up tempo and jazzy, which is fine, but I LOVE the older stuff.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Finally Friday Fun - Book Review

Let me also note that this book is not for the squeamish or faint of heart. It is a murder mystery, and actually, this particular book has to do with a serial killer and many of the scenes are pretty gruesome. I didn’t find the gore to be gratuitous in any way, and the story would have been much less real without it.
I find that in my two favorite pastimes, TV and reading, that I am looking for escape. I am not interested in real crimes, or reality TV . . . I want fiction baby. This book probably won’t win any awards, but then, not many of my favorite reads have. If you are looking for a CSI like read for a long winters day, this just may be your book.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Happy Hump Day Shopping - Great Green Shop

The store I like to frequent for all of my "green" shopping is reusablebags.com. Don't let the name fool you, these guys have much more than just alternatives to plastic bags. In fact, my favorite purchase is the stainless steel thermos that you see to the right. I honestly use this every day, and often will get to my last cup at 4 pm, and it is just as hot as the cup I first had at 7 am. I love it.
I also purchased a lunch bag for DD, which she thinks is too "cutsey" to take to high school, so I use it instead. She does use the stainless steel water bottle I got her everyday though, and thinks it is very attractive.
With all of the craze over the environment, this store has come along at just the right time! They sure are getting some good press, I hope their prices don't go up.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Music Monday - Herbie Hancock
I am a new fan and a new listener. I have heard his older stuff (Cantaloupe Island) of course when I have listend to the jazz station here in Chicago, but this new CD is one I think I can even get my teenagers to listen to and appreciate. It helps that there are some familiar names here helping him out with vocals. Tina Turner, Norah Jones and Corinne Bailey Rae to name a few are all featured on this album, and they are great.
I like to listen to new CDs while I work for a day or two and then once I have a feel for the songs, I like to blast the music in the car while I drive and just focus on the music and really hear it. And while I am only on the first part of this process, I can already tell this is going to be a fast favorite. This is the perfect music I think for reading, working, cooking or just sitting by the fire sipping wine after the kids are in bed.
Friday, February 15, 2008
It's Happening Again - Corporate Restructuring
I think the worse part about these situations is the speculation, rumor, and of course, the unknown. Not to mention the fact that these things generally begin one day completely out of the blue, and then continue on for months and even years.
Am I worried? Of course. I completely agree with the old saying that sometimes the evil you know is better than that you don't know. In one of the previous restructurings the results were better at first, and then unbearable as time went on and it took years to fix the problems that resulted from the initial restructuring. In the other one, the results at first were also better, but as time wore on, old problems and new ones came and again, the situation became unbearable.
However, I know that it doesn't do any good to worry, what will happen will happen and there is little I can do to change anything. And I have also learned that keeping loose and being willing to change and adapt usually makes the going much easier.
Here's to change!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Y-ME for Mother's Day
My focus for this year is loving others, my kids, my family, my friends, and others. This seems to be a great step in that direction. Not to mention the fact that it is hard to wallow in self pity when you are focusing on how to help others, when you are trying to think of ways to reach out.
This even is way out of my comfort zone, as I don't like crowds and I don't like going downtown, and Sundays are for resting and relaxing. . .but I just can't wait for this event.
I encourage everyone to pick and event, pick a cause, pick a person and get involved. Love someone else a bit more today. I think you will find that in the end, in spite of yourself, you will be happier too just because you tried. I challenge you, if you are reading this, to think of a way today that you can get involved with a person or a cause and what you can do to beging helping.
If you are a friend, and feel like donating, please do. If not, just think about the challenge above. Here is my personal site for donating to my walk.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Review - Disney on Ice

It was cheesy, the acting was horrible, but we had fun! Disney's High School Musical: The Ice Tour is what it is suposed to be, a cute ice show. We liked the costumes, the skating, and the music. Yeah to Disney for having the music be the original music from the movies. It was basically a musical review of the first and second High School Musical Movies. We had seen the first one on the Disney channel, and there too, the acting is horrible, but the music is good and the story is light and funny.
We paid $10 for a bucket of popcorn and $12.50 for an Icee in a souvenir cup so if you do go to one of these shows, I recommend that you not buy anything there, but then again, isn't that part of the fun?
Overall, we decided that we would definitely do this again, even if it was the Disney Princesses Show! It was a great way to spend a very cold Saturday afternoon in Chicago. Besides, a trip to the United Center is always fun.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Why Are There So Many Depressed Teenagers?
Why are our kids so depressed? What does that even mean? What is happiness and does it really come in a pill? Or, as I suspect, have we raised a generation of people who only know want and have no sense of what contentment is? Is happiness always that next thing away?
I think it is time for me to interview some of the 50-60 year olds that I know and ask them about this seemingly recent phenomena. Were they depressed as teenagers? Do they remember going through times when they just couldn’t be happy? Did people talk about needing to be happy in the 50’s and 60’s?
Our kids are sad. I know that, and yet, I want to know why. I don’t want to give my kids some pills and expect everything will be ok. I want to know why they are worried and stressed out. I want to make behavior and attitude changes that will make their lives easier. I guess I am showing my bias here, but I really do think that drugs should be a last resort. And I also think that we have a responsibility to find out what is different and what can be changed in their environments to help them.
Can all these kids really be so depressed? Or have our standards changed? Do we judge happiness differently than we used to? I really want to know. Off I go to gather some information from some older folks I know. . .and attempt to answer some questions.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Book Review - The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd
My son had this book assigned in his high school English class, and I am not sure that forcing kids to read this is a great idea. This book is written for women, as it is a beautiful picture of the grace and goodness of sisterhood. The characters here are warm and full of life. They are the kind of well developed entities that make you long to be able to pull up a chair and chat with them a while.
I loved August, and June and May from the very start. It took me a while to warm to Rosalee, as she was less refined and harder to like, but like her I did. And Lily is like so many teenagers I have met.
I appreciate so much the different portrayal here of race relations in the South in the 60s. I don't think I have read a book set in this time period before that makes the entire book about race relations, and yet makes it not at all about skin color. The deeper truths here of love, life and our intense desire for family becomes a way to level the playing field.
I don't read books twice, however, I will be taking this book along on my next vacation to really read this again and highlight favorite parts. I can't recommend this enough, especially to women and girls.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Finally Friday Fun - Snow Day!

I made it. I am alive and the car is in one piece.
Today in Chicago the weather is treacherous, and the snow is coming down too fast for the plows to keep the roads clear. On a normal day I have a 30 minute commute to work, however, today that commute took 90 minutes. Luckily, I came in early to work on some computers so when I was slipping and sliding all over the road I was all by myself. But, I was all by myself on the road so I was mighty thankful when I got to work without getting stuck anywhere.
I will be heading on out early this afternoon, in hopes that I can get home before the rest of the people get on the road. I am also headed home early to enjoy a snow day with the kids. If you are going to live in Chicago, you may as well enjoy the weather when it is as crazy as this. Know of any good sledding hills?
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Cafe Thursday - Skillet Chicken Stew
I know I almost never find recipes that all 4 of us will agree on, but if I can hit 3 out of 4, I am pretty happy. For that reason, I am adding Rachel Ray's Skillet Chicken Stew to my bi-weekly line up of dinner menus.
This recipe is right up there with our chicken pot pie, chicken alfredo, and salmon nights. I also have a taco night, a frozen pizza night, and usually a spaghetti night. For Sundays, I try to get a bit more fancy and will try to make either a homemade soup, pot roast, or pork chops.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Happy Hump Day - Shopping at Cafepress
Cafepress is really a great idea for anyone interested in designing and selling promotional type products, or anyone just interested in buying them. Their slogan is "shop, create or sell what's on your mind," and we sure do. I really like the motorcycle stuff, and DD loves all of the flute and band shirts. And while the boys in the house are not real big shoppers, DH and DS spent a couple of hours one night designing their own picture to place on the front of a T-shirt.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Netflix Feature to Check Out
I had heard about the new instant movie viewer from Netflix a few months ago, but hadn't had a chance to try it out. We tried it over the weekend and were quite pleased with it. Not only is it easy to setup and use, the quality is great, and with most Netflix subsciptions it is free. You can't beat that.
We were able to watch both The First Howie Mandel Special and The Italian Job. My kids didn't even know that Howie Mandel got his start as a standup comic and sadly, they had never seen Bobby's World either. I was able to enlighten them and provide hours of laughter as well.
If you haven't seen The Italian Job, I highly recommend it. There is only a bit of violence, no gratuitous sex, and just a few "bad" words sprinkled in. If you are a fan of the "Ocean's" films, you will like this one as well. I have been a Mark Wahlberg fan since his Calvin Klein ads in the 80's . . . what, I'm human.
Don't you just miss the 80's?!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Cafe Thursday - Easy Chicken Alfredo
Easy Chicken Alfredo
2 cups chicken cubes
1 Tbls Olive Oil
1/2 tsp Emeril's Essence seasoning
salt & pepper to taste
1 jar of Alfredo Sauce (I have tried them all, Bertolli is my favorite)
1 pkg of linguine, cooked (Dreamfields is the best tasting, low carb option out there)
Cook pasta to desired consistency. In the meantime, in a skillet, heat oil, then add chicken chunks and seasoning, salt and pepper. Cook chicken until it is no longer pink, about 5 minutes. To the skillet, add the jar of alfredo sauce and let simmer. When the pasta is done, drain and add to the sauce.
Add a veggie and a salad for a half-way healthy meal.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Any Speed Racer Fans?
For that reason, I thought that I would include this link to a picture of the Mach 5, which is on display at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit. I know my kids and DH will want to see it, and I will have to forward it to my nephews also. I got this link on the Kim & Jason site, so thanks Kim!
I also am super hyped myself now that I have watched the trailer for the upcoming live action version of Speed Racer. It looks amazing, and it was done by The Wachowski Brothers, the directors of The Matrix trilogy so it should not only be fantastic quality, but may just stretch the limits of film making. Keep in mind, it was this duo that first made popular the "bullet time" visual effect that has been copied in everything from Michael Jordan to the Max to Shrek. And while I try to never approach a new movie with too many expectations, least I be disappointed, I am hopeful that this movie will again stretch our imaginations.